I’ve often wondered if root vegetables have an underground society, where they discuss top secret vegetable-y things. Those little ninjas. There’s something very mysterious and covert about root vegetables, as though they know something we don’t. Given the option, I would love to be a fly on the wall at a clandestine Root Club meeting. The first rule of Root Club is you do not talk about Root Club. (Just kidding.)
If you remember my Guide to Root Vegetables, you have already unearthed my deep-seated desperate love for roots. They are not as intimidating as one would think, and as it turns out, they make great chips! Snacks, anyone?
Baked root vegetable chips are a healthy alternative to your average store-bought tortilla or potato chip. It may seem like a lot of work to peel and slice vegetables, but I promise it goes quickly, especially if you use a mandoline slicer. And it’s so worth it!
Here are a few tips and tricks for perfect root chips:
- Use a mandoline slicer for quick and even slicing.
- Lightly coat each vegetable slice (including the edges) with oil. Too much oil will cause the roots to get soggy.
- Sprinkle with your favorite spices such as garlic powder, onion powder, ground cumin, chili powder, Cajun seasoning, salt, and pepper.
- To get a nice crispy chip, bake the slices on top of a wire rack. This allows much of the moisture to evaporate from the roots.
- Serve with a dipper, such as Roasted Cauliflower Hummus, Roasted Red Pepper Cashew Cream, Sweet Corn Guacamole, or a dipping sauce...
Mmmmyeeeeesss, about that dipping saaaauce (said like Smithers from The Simpsons). I made buttermilk-parsley dipping sauce for these root chips, which is essentially a souped-up version of ranch dressing. But way better because this version is mayo-free. And if there’s one thing you should know about me, it’s that I ha ha ha haaaate mayonnaise! But I loooove me some buttermilk-parsley dipping sauce!
Do note that since these chips are not deep-fried or made using a dehydrator, they won't get quite as crispy as store-bought root veggie chips. You'll want to eat these right out of the oven when they're still warm--these aren't the kind of chips you can store and eat later because they'll get soggy!

For the Buttermilk-Parsley Dipping Sauce:
- 1 7-ounce cup 2% Greek yogurt
- 6 tablespoons buttermilk
- 2 tablespoons minced parsley
- 2 cloves minced garlic
- 1 teaspoon lemon zest
- 1 teaspoon honey
- Salt to taste
For the Root Vegetable Chips
- 1 medium turnip
- 1 large parsnip
- 1 medium golden beet
- 1 medium red beet
- 2 tablespoons olive oil or grapeseed oil
- ½ teaspoon dried thyme
- 1 teaspoon garlic powder
- ½ teaspoon ground cumin
- ¼ teaspoon kosher salt + more to taste
To Prepare the Buttermilk-Parsley Dipping Sauce:
- In a small bowl, whisk all ingredients for the dipping sauce together until combined. Cover and refrigerate until ready to use.
To Prepare the Root Chips:
- Preheat the oven to 400ºF.
- Whisk together the oil, dried thyme, garlic powder, ground cumin and salt in a small bowl.
- Peel all of the root vegetables and use a mandoline slicer to slice them ⅛-inch thick. (You can also slice them thinly using a sharp knife, but be very careful, as roots tend to be difficult to cut.)
- Use a brush to lightly coat both sides of each chip with oil, then place the slices on an oven-safe wire rack, making sure the slices do not overlap. Place the wire racks on 2 baking sheets. (If you don't have enough wire racks or baking sheets, you can make the chips in 2 batches.)
- Place the baking sheets in the oven and bake the roots until golden-brown and crispy. Check on the roots every few minutes once they have been baking for 20 minutes; remove any chips that are brown and crisp and return the rest to the oven until they're all done baking.
- Serve fresh out of the oven with buttermilk-parsley dipping sauce.
Kelli @ The Corner Kitchen says
Root vegetables are awesome, and root vegetable chips are probably one of the greatest snacks ever!! I really have to use my mandoline more often. I've had it for a few years, but it mostly lives in the back of a cabinet 🙁 I'm slightly scared of it, but mostly I can't slice anything evenly to save my life. Maybe it's time to try again.
Julia Mueller says
So glad you love root chips! Mandolin slicers can be a bit intimidating and the first one I owned required much more elbow grease than the one I have now. There's nothing like getting into a nice slicing rhythm and having all the slices come out squeaky clean and perfecto. Lemme know if you try them, girly!! 🙂
Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl says
Baked parsnips are one of my favorite things! I need to try out baked beets!...and in chip form!
Julia Mueller says
YESSS! Parsnip chips are some of my faves, too!! The beet ones can be a little trickier in the sense that they don't crispy up quite like parsnip chips do, but they're still so good in my opinion and definitely satisfy the savory munchie craving. 🙂 Hope you give the beet chips a go!
penster47 says
I love the baked chips in the deli section, but they are like $5 for a little bitty package. I think I would try dehydrating them first to almost dry and then baking them in the oven with seasonings and maybe spritz with just a tiny bit of EVOO.
Julia Mueller says
I've noticed how expensive veggie chips can be too. Unfortunately, it's not much more cost effective to make them at home, but they sure are tasty! Good call on dehydrating them first and then baking them to a nice crisp. Let me know if you try out this method!!
Meg van der Kruik says
Julia!!! This is simply gorgeous. I cannot wait to try these at home:)
Julia Mueller says
Woop woop! Let me know when you do!! 🙂
Liz @ I Spy Plum Pie says
Ooh yum, I'm a huge fan of root vegetables too. I'd happily eat roast veggies all year round! I think I need to invest in a mandolin and start making chips of my own!
Julia Mueller says
YES! You'll love them, Liz! You can also make the chips without a mandolin...it just takes a little extra muscle 🙂 Let me know if you try them out!
dishing up the dirt says
you know I love everything about these right?!
Julia Mueller says
I do! I do! I do!! And I'm 200% certain you have all the roots you need growing in your backyard to make this thing happen in abundance!!
sue/the view from great island says
Homemade veggie chips are my favorite snack in the world, but I hate dealing with all that oil. I'm super excited to try the baked method!
Julia Mueller says
I hear ya, Sue! I'm not a fan of deep frying mostly because of the oil disposal once all is said and done. Hope you like the baked method!
Elisa @ Insalata di Sillabe says
Such a creative idea to use up root vegetables! I have to admit I don't use them often when cooking but this would be a great way to introduce them into my food routine!
xo, Elisa
Sarah @ Making Thyme for Health says
These are so BEAyootiful! And that sauce?! You're torturing me.
Julia Mueller says
Roots definitely make a pretty chip, that's fo sho!! You'd love these, m'dear! Hope you have a great weekend.
lisacng @ expandng.com says
This might be the only way I'd eat root veggies, so thank you 🙂
Julia Mueller says
You're welcome, Lisa! They definitely go down reaaaaal nice, I tell ya what 😉
Katie @ Produce on Parade says
Yum, yum, yum! I made taro root chips once, they were so good. I learned that you have to slice them veryyyy thinly though...
Julia Mueller says
Root chips are funny like that - they're definitely tricksters and need a little extra special care in the slicing/baking department. Did you know I've never used taro root? I must try this soon!
Cara's Healthy Cravings says
I don't think I would have a problem eating these straight from the oven while warm, my problem would be sharing them!
Julia Mueller says
I have that very problem! Once they're finished, I want to covet them for myself, so I tend to make huuuuuuge batches 🙂 Have a great weekend, Cara!
Laura (Got Chocolate) says
How timely! I've been making an assortment of these for a few weeks now. I love the idea of baking them on a rack and the dipping sauce. My daughter will LOVE the sauce!
THANK YOU! Keep 'em comin'. 😀
Julia Mueller says
So happy to hear you're a fellow root chip lover, Laura!! Let me know what you think of the rack technique and the dipping sauce! 🙂
Joanne says
My mandoline is about to get USED and ABUSED.
Julia Mueller says
Go to town, sister! Go.to.town. !!
mjskit says
After seeing these awesome chips, I feel bad about having spent A LOT of money buying them at the grocery. These look perfect and so easy to make. Thanks for sharing!
Julia Mueller says
Yup, veggie chips can be a hefty chunk of change! Glad you like the idea of making them at home, and let me know if you try the recipe! 🙂
:D says
Can you make a bunch and store them in an airtight container for several days or they have to be eaten right away?
:D says
I found your answer above. Sorry, I didn't read first. Thanks for clarifying about eating them right away.
Julia Mueller says
Hi there! As you probably found out, the chips become chewy if you store them as opposed to eating them right away 🙁 Although I don't own a dehydrator, I hear you can get a more consistently crunchy chip through the dehydrator route than with oven-baked chips. Thanks for trying out the recipe!!
Seb says
Nice! I once bought a bag of vegetable chips in the Netherlands but then forgot about them again. This is totally uncommon in Germany but I love the idea and also the taste. And it seems to be pretty easy to make your own, so thanks for the recipe and the reminder - and the great photos! Glad I found this before root vegetables are out of season again 🙂
Suby says
Looks so yummy and healthy too... would like to try this out soon..!