The following story may not seem to have much to do with a Raspberry Banana Chia Smoothie recipe—but hear me out.
The day after we got back to Raleigh last week, I woke up with tonsils so swollen, I could barely swallow water, a non-stop hacking cough and I sounded like Big Ang when I tried to talk. (Yes, I realize that exactly two of you get the Big Ang reference, but I'm okay with that.) I immediately picked up my iPhone and Googled to find out the symptoms of SARS and I was relieved to find out that I did not seem to have SARS. But then I realized that could only mean one thing:
I must have consumption.
So since I have consumption and all, this weekend seemed like a good opportunity to revisit this Raspberry Banana Chia Smoothie recipe. I started working on it about a month and a half ago. You'd think a smoothie recipe would be pretty straight-forward, but for some reason it took me a lot of tries to get this one right. Seeing as my tonsils are about the size of golf balls right now, I wanted it to be a little bit thinner than I usually make my smoothies, so I decided to add fewer raspberries this time around. I think that was the key to finally (FINALLY!) nailing this recipe—fewer raspberries meant the smoothie wasn't so tart. In fact, I didn't even add any sweetener to mine, although you may want to taste yours and add a little if needed.

- 1 cup vanilla or chocolate flavored non-dairy milk
- 1 tbsp chia seeds
- ¼ cup frozen raspberries
- 1 frozen banana half
- sweetener of choice to taste if desired
- Combine milk and chia seeds in blender. Let sit 5 minutes.
- Add raspberries and banana half; blend until smooth.
- Taste and add sweetener if desired.
Stephanie @ henry happened says
I hope your golf balls are feeling better - I hate when my tonsils get swollen like that! I've been trying to perfect a green smoothie and you're right, those things are harder than they look!
Shirley says
The milk bottle and spoon are adorable! And who can say no to a raspberry smoothie?
Hope you're feeling better. 🙁 Sounds painful.
Amanda says
This looks delicious and I love your pictures! Hope you are feeling better.
Kelly @ A Girl Worth Saving says
I hope that you're feeling better hun! This looks amazing and I so need to work more/eat more chia seeds.
Liz @ I Spy Plum Pie says
That looks delicious! I've been having throat problems recently too, so I think that may be exactly what the doctor ordered!
Gorgeous photos too!
Kiersten says
I hope you feel better soon! Smoothies will definitely help. 🙂
Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says
I am nuts about raspberries. Must have. Must have.
Emily says
I've been wondering what to do with chia seeds, thanks for the great recipe idea.
I like to pop my smoothies into the freezer for a bit before I drink them. It gives them more of a shake feel.
Hope you are well soon!
Kiersten says
A lot of people don't like the texture of chia seeds, but if you don't mind it, they're great added to juice, oatmeal, yogurt. I like putting them in muffins instead of poppy seeds too!
Jennifer H says
this looks so good and refreshing!
Alexander Willow Harvey says
Looks so lovely and fresh!
Katie says
I hope you're feeling better! The smoothie looks delicious - I love raspberry banana smoothies!
Dee @ Cocktails with Mom says
I want one of these now!!
Daniela @ FoodrecipesHQ says
Great smoothie. This must be pinned!
Bing says
Looks delish so I will give it a try in the Vitamix. Where did you find that cute straw?
Your pics are great! I love to take pics of foods, love the whole staging process, and always pretend that I am am a food photographer'! 🙂
Kiersten says
Thank you! I bought the straws from Isakay Boutique on Etsy: They have tons of different colors!
Bing says
Thank you! I have not shopped there before but it looks like a fun online store ! 🙂
Brenda Williams says
Love these photos! The smoothie looks and sounds so delish!
Cat Davis says
I've got this on my list to try next week when my new blender arrives - minus the chai seeds, no clue what those are. lol
Kiersten Frase says
Chia seeds have no taste, but they have protein in them, so putting them in a smoothie will help keep you fuller longer. Some people are squicked out by the texture because they get slimy if they're in a liquid, but when they're blended, they don't do that. 🙂
Cat Davis says
Oh no taste? Now that's my kind of seed. Where would you recommend getting them and what brand? I'm going to start doing smoothies for breakfast every day.
Kiersten Frase says
They actually sell them at our small town grocery store now! So you might be able to find them there. Otherwise, any natural foods store should have them and so does Amazon. I think just about every brand is the same. You can also make a "pudding" with them by soaking them in milk, sweetener (I use maple syrup; a lot of people use stevia but I don't like the taste of it), and cocoa powder. But a lot of people don't like the texture because they get slimy. Like if you ever had a Chia Pet, they're the same kind of seeds--remember how you soak them in water before putting them on the head and then they get slimy? LOL! But I like the texture because it reminds me of Jello. I have it for breakfast a lot!
JB says
Can you tell me where you bought the glass and spoon shown on the raspberry banana chia smoothie recipe? they are both darling. can't wait to make the smoothie.