This Banana Chai Smoothie is a creamy, filling and loaded with delicious chai spices. It's like having a milkshake for breakfast!

One of the things I love about food blogging is that it's rarely a one-sided conversation. There's a lot of back-and-forth and I always appreciate when people share their ideas with me in comments and emails. When I published my recipe for Mexican Chocolate Breakfast Shakes, a lot of the feedback I got went something like this:
"Can I add protein powder to this?"
"I think I would add protein powder to this."
"Have you tried putting protein powder in this?"
And many of the people pinning the recipe on Pinterest said the same thing. I've never bought protein powder, but I figured if everyone else was doing it, it must be a good idea, so when I first tested this Banana Chai Smoothie recipe, I added some protein powder to it.
![Banana Chai Breakfast Shake [Top View] banana chai smoothie](
But, like our moms always tell us, just because everyone else is doing it doesn't mean that we should do it too. Because the protein powder? Was gross. Sorry, guys. You can add protein powder to this recipe if you want to, but it's just not for me. What am I missing?! It's bitter. So terribly, terribly bitter.
Despite the lack of protein powder, this recipe does still have protein from almond milk. And it also has the delicious flavors of chai - in shake form!
This quick and easy breakfast shake will fuel you for the long-haul. When you start the day with a breakfast shake like this, you're not going to get the mid-morning hungries.

More Tasty Recipes
If you love this Banana Chai Smoothie, be sure to check out these other delicious ideas:
- 20 Healthy Green Smoothie Recipes
- Pina Colada Breakfast Shake
- Strawberry and Banana Vegan Smoothie Bowl

- ½ cup brewed black tea cooled
- ½ cup vanilla almond milk or any other kind of milk
- ½ cup rolled oats
- ½ tsp ground cinnamon
- ¼ tsp ground ginger
- ¼ tsp ground cardamom
- very small dash of cloves
- 1 medium banana frozen overnight
- agave nectar optional, for sweetening
- Combine tea, milk, oats, cinnamon, ¼ teaspoon ginger, ¼ teaspoon cardamom, and cloves in a resealable bowl. Stir together and refrigerate overnight. (If you do not want to soak the oats overnight, see the notes for a shortcut!)
- In the morning, add banana and oat mixture to food processor or blender and process until smooth and well-combined. Add additional ginger and cardamom and sweetener if desired. (I've found that the amount of spice I add depends on the size of the banana that I'm using--start out with a smaller amount and add more if you need to.)
The Mrs @ Success Along the Weigh says
I'm with you on the protein powder. If you're eating a balanced diet, you should more than cover the amount of protein you need in a day without adding that stuff. This shake looks yummy!
Kiersten says
Yup, I try to eat protein in every meal. The one meal where I slack a little is breakfast, which is why I thought I'd give the powder a try. But nope, not doing that again! There's protein in the almond milk anyway. 🙂
Rachel @ Rachel's Giveaways says
Ooh, I love chai tea so I bet I would like this! Unfortunately I'm experimenting with eliminating caffeine from my diet, but maybe I can try this eventually.
Kiersten says
I'm very sensitive to caffeine. Even tea sometimes makes me really nauseated--it's crazy! But you can also make this with a full cup of almond milk, no tea. In fact, I made it that way this morning. The calorie count is slightly higher (since tea has 0 calories), but it's still really delicious. 🙂
natasha says
This looks super yummy! Im def. going to try it. A note on protien powder... you dont need protien powder unless you are working out like a mad man, or get zero protien any other way in your diet. Adding protien powder where it is not needed can make you gian weight. Just sayin 😉 But, if you want to add, it then, I guess go right ahead. haha
Kiersten says
Well, since I don't eat meat and I eat very little dairy, I figured the protein powder couldn't hurt. But yeah, never again. 🙂 I don't know how people can get past that taste!
Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says
It looks delicious, but I guarantee I would not be someone who who would suggest protein powder. That stuff is nasty.
I emailed you back from my other email account so I hope you got it. I use this one for comments, but that one for bloggy business. And which host did you move to?
Kiersten says
It is nasty! I was really wondering what I was missing. It's just not for me.
I moved to InMotion. I decided it was time to get a VPS. I kept getting throttled by my old host, so I really needed to get off that shared server. I hate paying so much more though!
Genevieve says
I've never tried protein powder but I have tried protein drinks and hated the taste. This smoothie sounds delicious without it! I can imagine it would be nice and thick from the oats and frozen banana. Sounds like a good formula to use for different kinds of tea, like chai tea bags or my favourite ginger tea!
Kiersten says
I'm so glad people are commenting here that they don't like protein powder/drinks either. I was feeling very uncool for not liking it. 🙂 I tried green tea in this too and chai tea works, but you still need to add some spice because it's too diluted for the flavor to come through.
CulinarilyCourtney says
" having a milkshake for breakfast!" Well, what's not to like about that? I think that is such a neat idea to put tea into a smoothie! You are giving me some ideas...maybe a banana mocha smoothie, mmmm.
Kiersten says
Tea is great in smoothies! Have you tried matcha powder? Starbucks used to make a really great green tea smoothie using matcha, banana, and I believe mango? I forgot exactly what was in it, but when I was in college there was a stretch of time when that was my breakfast everyday!
Heidi @ Food Doodles says
Mmmm! Chai is my favorite tea, and one of my favorite spice combos. So delicious! I know what you mean about protein powder... I don't use it regularly because I don't like the taste, but it does depend on what kind you get, some are way better than others. I still haven't found one I'd use all the time though. And I'm not really looking because they're too dark expensive to try it out and find out it's gross!
Kiersten says
Yeah, someone else told me that there are other brands that aren't as bitter. But like you, I don't think I'm willing to try anymore to find out which ones those are. 😉
Natalie says
My boyfriend drinks protein drinks when he gets on a workout kick .. I've tried a few sips of his concoctions before and though I can tolerate them, I don't enjoy them. I have heard that the taste can very a lot by brand though. Anyways, this smoothie looks delicious as is! I usually throw a couple tablespoons of oats into my breakfast smoothies and don't notice them, but I like the idea of being able to use more by soaking them overnight!
Kiersten says
Yeah, I tested this and my other breakfast shake recipe a
lotand while it's still good without soaking the oats, you definitely get a grainier texture. After I tried soaking them, that was when I finally had something I felt like I could post on my blog. 🙂BusyWorkingMama says
YUM! I'm loving adding Chai to our morning smoothies!
Kiersten says
I will add chai to anything!
Notorious Spinks says
I'll have to try this... I can't get into protein either... it leaves a grit behind or something that I don't like. No matter how much or long it's blended. They can have that!
Kiersten says
My husband didn't mind the protein powder version of this, but I couldn't even finish it!
LP @dishclips says
The shake looks great. It's perfect for when I don't want anything heavy in the morning.
Kiersten says
Well it's filling, but definitely not heavy. 🙂
Katie says
This breakfast shake looks great! I love the idea of using tea, I've never thought of that in a smoothie, nor have I ever put oats in a smoothie. It all makes good sense, though! Thanks for the recipe!
I'm not a fan of protein powder either, and I think people forget that there is protein in many foods, even those oats, which add up over the day to complete our amino acid requirements and satisfy our daily protein needs. The average person needs 0.8g of protein per kg of body weight; the amount gets bumped up to 1.2g per kg for endurance athletes. We don't store excess protein for energy like we do with carbohydrates and fat, so that excess protein is simply excreted. There are of course people who depend on protein powders, like vegans or those with food allergies and sensitivities, but for many of use those protein powders often just make for really expensive pee!
Kiersten says
Thanks for the info about protein powder! I always felt that breakfast was the one meal of the day where I wasn't getting a lot of protein, so I figured trying the protein powder wouldn't hurt. But with the taste of it, I won't be trying it again. 🙂 As a vegetarian, I'm careful to get protein in my lunches and dinners anyway!
Jennifer says
Mmm...this looks delish. I think I could have smoothies every day. I will be sure to try yours. The addition of tea is a great idea. Matcha green tea would be good as well. I was wondering if you have ever tried chia seeds in your smoothies. They are quite the super-food and also pack a little protein, albeit small. I also don't love protein powder but when I do use it I tend to like the Sunwarrior Vegan Chocolate one. If you don't mind me asking, what kind was it you tried?
Kiersten says
I haven't tried chia seeds in my smoothies, but I make chia drinks (juice + chia seeds) all the time! I even posted a recipe for one a few months back. I really need to try adding them to a smoothie.
I don't remember what brand of protein powder I used. I threw that packet away in a hurry!
Adrienne @ How to Ice a Cake says
I am a huge Chai fan so this sounds great! I've never been a fan of protein always tastes so chalky! Plus its not like it's difficult to get protein in the diet. I don't understand why everyone is so concerned about it! Extra protein doesn't turn into muscle, it turns into fat!
Okay enough ranting...I think I'm going to try this shake for breakfast next week. Thanks for the idea 😀
Kiersten says
It's chalky and bitter. Which, you know, isn't the greatest combination. 🙂 Let me know if you end up making this--I hope you like it!
Carolyn Jung says
Now, that's a treat worth waking up for. I always keep bananas in the freezer, too. Not just for banana bread, but for adding luscious body to drinks like this. Yum!
Kiersten says
Me too! I've got a big bag of them in the freezer so I never have to remember to freeze the banana the night before making a smoothie. 🙂
Janet says
I have to try this...I love chai tea. I will say that I use protien powder in all my smoothies...because I have too. I had lap band surgery and because of mytiny tummy I need to get at least 60-80( preferably 80) grams of protein a day. NO WaY I cna od that with the small quantityof food I eat. I do use vanila flavoed powder and yes had to shop around til I found one I liked and yes it is an aquired taste..but when you have to get used to something you do.
Having said all this.....this recipe is one I will definately try and for me and tiny tummy minus the oats....I'll let you know how it goes!!!
Thanks for posting.
Kiersten says
Oh, that's certainly understandable! If I had to have protein powder, I'd definitely put it in my smoothies too, but the kind I tried was just terrible. I'm sure there are better ones out there! I hope you like the recipe if you try it. 🙂
Natalie says
I can't wait to try this sounds wonderful
Brenda Williams says
Glad to know it was the blog and not just me. My computer skills are not so great so I always just think it is something I am doing. LOL This drink looks and sounds delish.
Kiersten says
No, it wasn't just you! 🙂 For me, my blog didn't get back to normal until yesterday but I've heard from other readers that they're still unable to get it to load. But the good news is that from here on out, my blog should load much faster!
Shirley says
Love chai! It's the only latte I'll drink. I'm totally with you on the protein powder thing. I've never even had any, but I figure a meat eater like me doesn't lack in protein anyway.
Kiersten says
Whenever I'm feeling slow and groggy in the morning, I get a chai latte from Starbucks. They wake me right up. 🙂
sarah@thesweetlife says
Sounds awesome! this is what I'm having for breakfast tomorrow.
Kiersten says
I hope you like it!
Maura says
I used to hate protein powder, too, but then I found a kind that I actually like. I don't know what's different about it, and maybe other people still wouldn't like it, but Optimum Nutrition's double rich chocolate is awesome! It tastes like chocolate milk. I got mine from Amazon; I don't know where else it's available.
anyway, my boyfriend and I are starting to eat healthier, and we're going to try the vegetable salad rolls you posted tonight!
Kiersten says
Thanks for the suggestion! Chocolate milk sounds much better than the one I tried, which tasted like vanilla and bitterness. 🙂
Mellisa says
This looks amazing! Can't wait to try the recipe out.
Kate says
Just made it this morning - wow! What an amazing idea to soak the oats overnight and blend them into the drink. I love oats and have never thought of putting them into a smoothie. Although they were very soft from soaking I had to blend it all a bit longer than expected to get the texture smooth enough for my preferences. It came out just right though and tasted absolutely delicious - perfect for breakfast. The tea and chai balance out the banana so well. Often times my smoothies can get overpowered by banana taste. Best of all my boyfriend couldn't believe I made that authentic chai taste without using a premade powder. Thank you so much. My first time here to your blog and I know I'll be back again and again.
Kiersten says
Thanks for the nice comment--this totally made my day! 😀 The first few times I tested this recipe, it was over-powered by the banana. It took a few tries to get the chai spice-to-banana ratio just perfect!
Savannah F. says
I tried the shake this morning. Very delicious! Thanks for posting 🙂
Kiersten says
Thank you for letting me know--I'm so glad you enjoyed it! 🙂
Theresa S. says
For the caffeine-sensitive, try rooibos tea - nice and dark w/o the caffeine.
Kiersten says
Thanks for the tip! I love rooibos tea. 🙂