I never really liked milk. Just like with meat, my mom used to always struggle to get me to drink it every night at dinner. For a while, Chocolate Quik did the trick--I'd stir a few heaping tablespoons into my glass and happily drink it because it tasted more like chocolate than like milk. And then, I moved onto Banana Quik, the most delicious powdered drink mix to ever grace our dinner table. (When I Googled it for this post to make sure I wasn't misremembering the brand name, I found a petition to bring back Banana Quik--this is democracy in action, people.) But when I reached my pre-teen years, I decided to stop drinking milk altogether. This made my mom freak out because now, not only did I not eat meat, but I didn't drink milk either. I would stunt my growth! Terrible things would happen! So she started making pudding.
Lots of pudding.
This worked out quite well for me. Instead of having to drink milk, I had to eat my pudding. That? I could do. I was happy because: pudding. My mom was happy because I was getting my milk. It was a win-win situation.
So the whole tricking-kids-into-eating-things-they-hate thing is clearly nothing new, but it sure is popular lately, isn't it? There are websites and cookbooks all about how to sneak veggies into foods that kids love, like mac & cheese and popsicles. And it's not just for kids either--isn't throwing a handful of spinach into a smoothie the adult equivalent of sneaky food?
Personally, I love kale, but I know a lot of people are put off by it. These Blueberry Kale Pops from Kale: The Complete Guide to the World's Most Powerful Superfood are a sneaky way to incorporate kale into a tasty frozen treat. Now, if you know there's kale in them, I think you can detect the flavor--just a hint of it, though, kind of like when you make a green smoothie. But if you didn't know that before trying them, you'd never suspect it. The secret is to use baby kale leaves, which are a bit milder than their full-grown counterpart.
As you might suspect based on the title, Kale is full of kale recipes, both sneaky and not-so-sneaky. From Kale Brownies to Kale Quinoa Salad, this is the book for all things kale. In addition to this recipe, I also tried the Kale and Spinach Dip tossed with pasta, which was garlicky and delicious. The book isn't vegetarian, but many of the recipes are. And some of the non-vegetarian recipes are easily adaptable too. (Chorizo Kale Hash Browns, I'm looking at you!)
The blueberry flavor of these pops really masks the kale well—and blueberries are another superfood! If you're craving pure blueberry deliciousness without the kale, you can always whip up a batch of this easy blueberry mousse instead.

- 1 c. frozen blueberries
- 1 c. baby kale leaves
- 2 c. organic purple grape juice
Martina says
Sneaky veggies are awesome - I would never have looked at that photo and thought there's kale in there. I happen to love kale so eating it is never a problem for me but its these are a super healthy popsicle!
Ronnie Fein says
When my Dad wanted me to eat cooked cereal he added: sugar, chocolate chips, cinnamon, cream and butter. Parents do all sorts of crazy stuff, but these pops are not so crazy. We are big kale eaters and don't need to hide it, but this sounds like a delicious way. Thanks for the tip on the book.
Kiersten says
A little bit of sugar will get kids to eat anything, right? 🙂
Alexis @ Hummusapien says
What an excellent way to sneak in kale! These would be so great for the kiddos. Love that bright purple color, too!
Caitlin says
"eat your pudding!" i LOVE it! and, i'd for sure eat my kale in these blueberry popsicles. perhaps i should try this tactic on my husband... 🙂
Kiersten says
Go for it! He'll never know. 🙂
Grace @ Perpetual Nomming says
I love how kale and spinach are things that you can't taste when blended with other fruits! hehe this is so sneaky 😉
Christine @ Gotta Eat Green says
I love making homemade frozen pops in the summer. My go to recipe is usually chocolate banana. I've never thought to add kale though, clever idea!
Kiersten says
I make chocolate banana popsicles too. With peanut butter! Definitely my favorite. 🙂
Georgia @ The Comfort of Cooking says
How awesome is this?! What a totally brilliant idea for sneaking in a little bit of veggies with a LOT of nutritional value! Great recipe, Kiersten!
BusyWorkingMama says
Those sound and look wonderful! That is a healthy treat you can't feel guilty eating!
Grace @ Earthy Feast says
Nothing like a cold popsicle on a hot day - make it a healthy one, with just 3 ingredients and bring it on, Summer!
EA-The Spicy RD says
Banana Quik??? Somehow I missed that one 🙂 Kale and blueberries are perfect together for those who are put off by "green" food. These look so refreshing for a hot summer's day!
Kiersten says
Oh man, it was so good. One of those things from my childhood that I know I shouldn't crave because it's probably super unhealthy, but I can't help it. 🙂
Angie@Angie's Recipes says
One of the most creative pop recipes! I love the combo of veggie and fruit.
angela @ another bite please says
oh gosh love this...maybe not the crazy blueberry mess i will be cleaning off my boys...but knowing they are eating kale as well. YEAH! and I have to always chuckle how I may keep things "hidden" from them...I will tell them what is in everything but always helps if they don't see the green...why does green scare them away? LOL
Kiersten says
I guess green = healthy and healthy = gross? 🙂
Nancy/SpicieFoodie says
I love the colour of these pops -- can't believe there's kale in them! I'm going to check out the book, thanks for sharing Kiersten.
Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says
Now that just might get a girl to try kale!
Robin Gagnon says
I grew up on kale, so I think it's kind of funny that it is like the new "in thing".
Natalie @ Once Upon a Cutting Board says
I love adding spinach and kale to smoothies, not because I don't like the taste but because why not add extra nutrition if you can't taste it, but I never knew you could do the same with popsicles - such a good idea!
Kelly @ A Girl Worth Saving says
These sound delicious and love your photos (as I always do). I actually have a bunch of kale in the freezer that I was wondering what in the world to do with.
Kiersten says
You don't even want to know how many tries it took for me to get those photos. Popsicles are THE WORST thing to photograph. But you just did 2 popsicle recipes, so I'm sure you know all about that. 🙂
Laura (Tutti Dolci) says
I have yet to try kale in my pops but you may have convinced me ;).
Kiersten says
It's good--I promise! 🙂
Kelli @ The Corner Kitchen says
I love adding kale to smoothies, but it never crossed my mind to add it to popsicles. Such a great idea and so fun!
Sommer @ ASpicyPerspective says
Gorgeous pops, Kiersten!
dixya| food, pleasure, and health says
I am always looking for ways to sneak in more veggies into my diet and this pop with kale is very creative. I bet you cant even taste it with OJ and berries 🙂
Kiersten says
No, you can't! 🙂
Ashley says
haha I love this - I have been known to sneak kale into many foods : ) My mom even likes kale now after all my sneaking over time. I have been wanting to buy some popsicle molds for a while... and now I want to even more!
Kiersten says
I have the Zoku and I LOVE it. Before that, I had regular molds and I never used them. I guess I am too impatient--I need immediate popsicle gratification.
Alissa N says
These are so pretty!! What a lovely idea too, you can't see the kale in there at all and even though I love veggies, I like sneaking them sometimes too!! Then I can feel rebellious while I eat my mac and cheese that is secretly full of veggies. I am such a wild child.
Kiersten says
I throw extra veggies in everything. I just made a casserole tonight and threw shredded carrots into it. Why not!
Julia | JuliasAlbum.com says
Love, love the color of these pops! So pretty! Pinned to my Berries Board!
Kiersten says
Thanks for the pin! 🙂
Carolyn says
Okay, I adore the idea of sneaking some kale into these deep purple pops! I wonder if I can try that on my kids...