This weekend the day of reckoning is finally coming for my garden. I'm going out there, I'm dragging my husband with me, and we are going to weed and prune and we're not going to stop until that garden is in good shape for fall. Because right now, I'm a few dozen cats and a head scarf away from Grey Gardens territory.
We decided we're also going to tear out the herb garden and start over again. For some reason, I thought rocks would be an effective weed barrier in there, but guess what? Weeds can grow between rocks! Huh, who knew?! So we're pulling out all the plants, somehow taking out the rocks (I'll let Chris figure out that one), putting down a weed barrier, planting new herbs, and then putting the rocks back. This is how you spend your weekends when you grow up. Enjoy your 20s while you can, kids.
The summer has been pretty unkind to my herbs, so unlike previous years, there will be no big batch of pesto this fall. But I did get enough basil leaves to make this Basil White Bean Dip. White bean dip might not be as glamorous and exotic as hummus, but I love that you can puree white beans with very little oil and they still get super creamy. White beans alone are kind of meh, so for me, adding flavor to white bean dip is a must, hence the fresh basil leaves. Toss in a garlic clove, a little bit of lemon juice, and some salt and pepper, give it a spin in your food processor, and you have a tasty afternoon snack!
But this dip isn't just for dipping! It makes an awesome sandwich spread too. As a vegetarian, bean dips and hummus serve a dual purpose in a sandwich--not only are they a sandwich spread, but they replace the protein too. I like putting a thick layer of this Basil White Bean Dip on the bread and piling the sandwich high with fresh veggies. If you're packing this as a lunch for work or school, spread the bean dip on both sides of the sandwich--that creates a barrier so the moisture from the fresh veggies won't soak through your bread and make it soggy.

- 1 ½ cups cooked cannellini beans or about 1 can, rinsed
- ¼ cup packed fresh basil leaves
- 1 clove garlic
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Combine the beans, basil, garlic, olive oil, and lemon juice in a food processor. Process until basil is finely chopped and the dip is almost smooth. Season with salt and pepper to taste. If you're using this as a dip, you can top it with toasted pine nuts or fresh basil leaves before serving.
Anele @ Success Along the Weigh says
Yeah do you ever get the feeling if you told your 16 year old self how you would spend weekends in your 30's that teen you would punch 30 you in the throat? I know I would. "Really? Antique stores and farmers markets. LOSER!" LOL
I was just eyeing my basil yesterday. I think I'm going to grab some spinach or arugula and make a batch of pesto even if it'll be on the smallish side. After I make this of course! 🙂
Kiersten says
Oh yeah, totally. I was going to live in a loft in New York City and be a writer (because writers can totally afford lofts in NYC, right?) and now I live in the suburbs and the highlight of my week is hitting up Whole Foods every Saturday. Laaaaaame.
Katy @ Katy's Kitchen says
I have some cooked white beans in my freezer and I've been wondering what to do with them. I love veggie sandwiches so this one looks perfect for me. My herbs have seen better days - thinking of starting an indoor herb garden for winter.
Kiersten says
I wish I could grow herbs inside, but the cats would never let me! I'm hoping the winter is mild enough that I can grow a few in the screened porch...
Alexis @ Hummusapien says
Mmmm infusing basil into dips making them SO much tastier. That seedy bread looks perfect for sammies, too!
Kiersten says
I LOVE a good seedy bread. 😀
Abby @ The Frosted Vegan says
Yuuum!! I also was unkind to my garden/neglected it and will not have a big batch of pesto like I had dreamed (boo!). Buuut, this spread could more than make up for it!
Kiersten says
I'm glad I'm not the only one. I feel bummed about what became of my garden this year, but hey, it happens!
Caitlin says
i think white bean dip is MORE exotic and glamorous that hummus, especially if there is basil in there! i love the image of you and your husband working in the garden to prepare it for fall. i was outside all of saturday trimming all of the huge bushes that are on our property. looks so much better.
Kiersten says
Yeah, we need to do a LOT of work outside, not just with the garden. I try to tell myself that the weeds are okay as long as the neighbors have more than we do, but I fear that if we don't pull everything soon, it will all go to seed and next spring will be weed city.
Eat Good 4 Life says
Wow, I so totally love this spread. I have bought something similar at Trader Joes but now I am going to make this one soon. Loving the pictures!
Kiersten says
Yes, I love that one from Trader Joe's too! The only thing I don't like about it is that I feel like there's a liiiittle too much oil in it, which is the nice thing about making it yourself.
Kelli @ The Corner Kitchen says
My love for sandwiches just grew 100-fold, thinking about a piled high sammie with this spread!!
Archana @ FeedingTheFoodie says
I love white bean dips - because hummus just gets same old same old after a while. The only herbs that have survived in my herb garden are basil and sage - so I have everything on hand.
That sandwich looks amazing- the sort of thing I get at a Panera or Pret.
heading over to do the survey!
Kiersten says
You know, I bet sage would be really delicious in a bean dip too! You could top it with some crispy sage leaves. Thanks for taking the survey!
Julia says
Almost everyone I know who grows basil had a really difficult go at it this year for some reason, too. Your basil and white bean dip looks amazing! Definitely awesome to spread on sandwiches or snack on with chips!
Kiersten says
What's up with basil this year?! I have a bunch of tiny little Thai basil plants too--they never grew past maybe 5-inches tall. Very strange.
Suzanne @ hello, veggy! says
This sounds lovely! Basil is my favourite herb; I bet this would be great as a dip too!
Grace @ Earthy Feast says
The close-up of that sandwich looks amazing! I have a can of white beans and basil that needs picking - YES!
Kiersten says
Woo hoo! Perfect. 😀
Anne|Craving Something Healthy says
Ha Ha - I spent the entire weekend doing the EXACT same thing (except for the rocks). I love white bean dip as a sandwich spread - never thought about adding basil though! Love that.
Kiersten says
We lead very glamorous lives, huh? 🙂 I don't know what I was thinking with those rocks...
Maria Tadic says
I love using white beans for hummus. I know it's not really all that authentic, but you're right - they are much more creamy and you don't have to use a crap ton of oil. Good things!
Kiersten says
Yeah, I feel like I need to add about 1/3 of a cup to chickpeas for a really creamy hummus. (Although I've found that I can get around that by using vegetable broth and a smaller amount of oil!) White beans are much easier.
Ash-foodfashionparty says
Wow, a good looking sandwich, a very yummy hummus. Your images are awesome.
Angie@Angie's Recipes says
My basil plants weren't doing good at all this year....well, I blamed the weather. Your white bean dip sounds wonderful and the sandwich looks mouthwatering.
Kiersten says
Yeah, usually I have good luck with basil--I'm not sure what happened this year!
Laura (Tutti Dolci) says
I love this spread as an alternative to hummus for my veggie sandwich!
Emma says
haha, I guess I'm middle aged long before my time then! I'm only 23 but cook, garden and KNIT in my free time!!
Hope the garden project goes well this weekend.
I love this kind of dip 🙂
Kiersten says
You're just a little bit ahead of the curve, that's all! 🙂
dixya| food, pleasure, and health says
i have given up hope on my herbs and now i will be planting flowers instead-.. white beans make such a great dip yummmm
Kiersten says
I really want to plant flowers too. I wanted to do it this summer, but I guess I'm going to have to wait until next year!
Gwen @SimplyHealthyFamily says
Great idea! This will add a whole new level to my veggie sandwiches!
Natalie says
Looks great! I love a nice bean dip 🙂
Natalie @ Once Upon a Cutting Board says
I love using hummus (or bean dip - even better!) as a sandwich spread or in grilled cheese too! Good luck with the garden stuff this weekend! I'm happy I just get to eat food from my parents' garden when I visit and not have to tend one myself haha I'd be horrible at it!
Kiersten says
I need to make a hummus grilled cheese! That sounds so good. 🙂
Cara says
I feel like a carb whore because all I can look at is that bread! Holy biscuits--I want a seedy slice so I can gladly soak it in the white bean dip 🙂 PS Just recently have fallen in love with your blog--it's simply flawless! xo, Cara
Kiersten says
Aw, thank you! And yeah, I'm with you on the love of all things carby. I'm on an elimination diet right now and one day in, all I want is a baguette to gnaw on. Like a rat.
Kathryn says
I have a slightly sad looking basil plant on my window sill at the moment - this looks like a perfect use for it!
ashley - Baker by Nature says
That is one fiiiiiine looking sandwich, my love! The spread obviously *makes it.
Kiersten says
It definitely does!
Scotia says
This is on the agenda for making next week when I can get some bread made! It looks really tasty.