This crispy, cheesy Jalapeno Cheddar Crackers recipe is sure to be a crowd-pleaser. It's made with whole wheat flour, so it's not entirely unhealthy either!

It's Super Bowl Time!
(Ok, I don't know when you're reading this. But it was Super Bowl time when I wrote it.)
With the Super Bowl right around the corner, I feel like I should post something snacky. I'd probably be a bad food blogger if I didn't, right?

Because we all know there's really just one reason to look forward to the Super Bowl. And it doesn't involve football or commercials. FOOD!
Glorious snack foods. This I can do.
So I made some Jalapeño Cheddar Crackers. And they're pretty darn good—not just for Super Bowl snacking, but anytime snacking. They're cheesy, crunchy, and a little bit spicy.
Did I mention that they're easy too? Because they are!

And if you're looking for more snack ideas for the big game - go check out my collection of vegetarian super bowl snacks here or completely vegan super bowl ideas over here!
Happy snacking!

- 1 cup all-purpose flour
- ¾ cup white whole wheat flour whole wheat is fine too
- ½ tsp salt
- 3 tbsp olive oil
- ½ cup water
- ½ cup sharp cheddar cheese shredded, divided
- 1 jalapeño pepper seeded & minced
- sea salt for sprinkling
- Preheat oven to 350°F.
- Whisk together flours and salt in a medium bowl. Set aside 2 tablespoons of cheese. Stir in olive oil, water, remaining cheese, and jalapeño. Mix until just combined, careful not to overwork the dough. If needed, add another tablespoon of water to moisten.
- Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper. I used a rimmed sheet, but an unrimmed sheet would work too. Transfer cracker dough to baking sheet and roll out it out as thin as you can—about the thickness of a saltine. Use a knife or pizza cutter to mark dough into rectangles. (Don't cut the dough all the way through, just draw lines on it.) Sprinkle tops of crackers with reserved cheese and sea salt.
- Bake for 20–30 minutes or until crisp and just beginning to brown. Baking time depends on the thickness of the crackers, so be sure to keep an eye on them! Allow to cool completely, then break along lines. Store crackers in an airtight container; if they get stale, bake at 225°F for 10 minutes or until crisp.
Jessi says
hot dog! my dad makes everything Jalapeno cheddar if he can help it! This look super yummy! (Football IS the worst -.-)
Kiersten says
I'm glad someone agrees with me! 😀
Brian @ A Thought For Food says
I've had a plan to make crackers for a while... but it never seems to happen. Thanks for the inspiration!!!!
Kristina says
these sound like the perfect cracker. you know, to just enjoy on a random Sunday...
Aleks says
oh gosh...that's so good...last time I prepared the whole-wheat nachos and they were also so delicious that we ate all of them in half an hour 🙂 I guess I'll try to prepare yours but only with the whole-wheat flour...
shelly (cookies and cups) says
Making my own crackers? How fun!
Jackie @ Domestic Fits says
Even though I understand football, and I even played powder puff football in college, I still forget to pay attention. The only time I paid attention was when my husbands team (the Seahawks) went to the super bowl. Other than that, it's all about the food...and wondering if Betty White is going to do another commercial.
Kare @ Kitchen Treaty says
My mom has a cheddar cracker recipe that she brings to every. single. family gathering. And thank goodness for that, because they are freakin' divine. I've never thought of adding jalapenos to her recipe (doing the I-shoulda-had-a-V8 forehead bop - such a good idea!)
I grew up watching football and enjoyed it on occasion, but usually I can think of about a gazillion other things to do other than watch a game. I do admit I enjoy the Super Bowl commercials. And dancing hamsters are *mesmerizing*. Why is that?!
Kiersten says
They are so mesmerizing! That commercial totally brings me to a happy place. I haven't seen it in a while, but I used to have to stop whatever I was doing to watch it. Man, I should not be admitting this, huh?
Maria Tadic says
Your football rendition is hilarious! I'm not a huge fan either (i just show up to eat!). Never got why a bunch of guys just run around, fall down in a pile, get up and do it all over again. However, there is the puppy super bowl...that is entertaining!
Kiersten says
Yes, puppies are definitely preferable to the real Super Bowl. 🙂
Stephanie @ henry happened says
your description of you playing football totally had me laughing. But soccer? Really? I find that the most confusing sport on the planet. And pretty soon I'm going to be forced to spend my Saturdays at soccer matches with the kids. Ugh. There will definitely be yummy snacks involved!
Kiersten says
But soccer is easy! You just kick the ball into the goal! Right? Or am I missing something? Well, all you really have to do is cheer on your kids at the matches and you're good--you don't have to know what's going on. 🙂
Shirley says
I think yours are beautiful! And healthier than mine too -- whole wheat flour and olive oil. So, I could eat way more of these, right? 🙂
I am totally behind you on the football! Just not a sports person at all. It was mildly interesting last year when it was New York vs. Boston, because should my loyalties go to my native city or my current one? But I found myself wanting to do the dishes instead of watching the game. Yikes.
Kiersten says
I hope you can eat way more of these, because I ate about half a baking sheet of them last week. 🙂 So I'm just going to pretend these are way healthy...
Dee says
These look so good! I'm still putting together my Superbowl menu and these will be perfect. I'm totally not into football (I LOVE Nascar instead, just wait till Daytona and I have the biggest party) but it's fun to watch everyone else react who IS a fan...and to eat. And maybe have a beverage. Thanks for sharing this recipe!
Kiersten says
I hope you like them if you make them! 🙂 I'm with you, eating is the best part of the Super Bowl.
Anele @ Success Along the Weigh says
I always say I'm going to make crackers and then I never do. These may have enticed me. I don't have jalapenos right now but I've hot chipotle peppers, I bet those would be good too.
Kiersten says
You SO need to make crackers. No one ever believes me when I say this, but it's incredibly easy to whip up a batch and they taste so much better than store-bought. The base recipe is stuff you most likely have on hand and you can add just about anything to it--any herbs, any kind of cheese, any spice. So good!
Rochelle @ says
Those look incredible! Now I'm going to have to brainstorm how to make them gluten free. Thanks for the idea. 🙂
Kiersten says
I hope you figure it out--I wish I could help, but I have no idea about gluten-free baking! 🙂
Angie@Angie's Recipes says
Don't understand much about American football, but the snacks...that's another story. I love them!
Natalie @ Once Upon a Cutting Board says
Aw I can so relate to never wanting the ball playing sports in school .. I would promptly get rid of any type of ball, not just footballs! But I think all the rules and different ways of making plans are what make football so much more interesting than boring sports that are just passing an object back and fort! I usually do care more about the food than the game but this year with my team in it, I'll be paying a lot more attention .. the food is still very important though, and these crackers look great!
Kiersten says
Yeah, I was the same way with other sports too, but football was my most dreaded. 🙂 I'm pretty much the most uncoordinated person on the planet--I'm lucky I can put one foot in front of the other and walk without falling on my face.
dixya @ food, pleasure, and health says
I dont understand the football either but I just pretend i do and support whoever my friends are supporting and indulge too much 😛 oh well. these crackers look amazinginly good. will have to try it sometime because who doesnt want to snack on spicy crackers right?
lysa says
haha I understand you, I played flag football in college so I got better at understanding what was going on. Even if I enjoyed playing a lot I never watched a game. I just hate it. Its so long and I get bored...(I know this could sound wierd for a lot of people) I would just be amazed by your delicious looking crackers and not the game.
Kiersten says
Yes! The games are so long! I think my attention span is too short for that--especially when I have no clue what's going on.
Kathy - Panini Happy says
I can't wait to make these! I've never made crackers before but I've been really into the idea lately - these sound like the perfect ones to start with. This is the one football game out of the year that I watch (especially since my hometown team, the 49ers, is playing). More than likely, though, I'll spend most of the afternoon helping my daughter make Valentines. 🙂
Kiersten says
When I first made crackers, I figured it would be a one-off thing, but they are so easy to make (and with ingredients I have on hand) that I find myself whipping up batches of them pretty often. They're definitely worth the little bit of effort!
Natalie says
I am SOO making these!! Love the cheddar and jalapeno combo.
Candace says
Oh yes....I see these crackers in my future.
Courtney Rae Jones says
Delicious! 🙂 Homemade crackers are the best! Jalapeño and cheddar are the perfect combination. It's funny, I am an avid Canadian Football fan because I grew up on it. My dad and I have season tickets and we never miss a game. But I've never watched NFL before. I know American football is quite a bit different from Canadian Football. Maybe one day I'll give it a shot. *hehe*
Kiersten says
I had no idea Canadian football was different from American! Well, I can say this much: I probably wouldn't understand the Canadian version either. 🙂
Averie @ Averie Cooks says
Your crackers are gorgeous! I want to gobble them up! And I love your site and the cheery vibe 🙂
Kiersten says
Thank you! 😀
Sommer@ASpicyPerspective says
Bowing down in reverence... VERY cool idea! I bet they are amazing.
Jeanette says
Wow - I'm impressed - I don't make crackers, but my youngest son has been begging me to make gluten-free goldfish crackers. Wondering if I can convert this to a gluten-free recipe and cut them into little goldfish for him.
Kiersten says
I pinned this gluten-free version of Cheez-Its last week: I bet it would be perfect for making into goldfish!
Carolyn says
You're like me, girl. I couldn't care a fig about the actual game, but the food...oh the food! Lovely crackers!!!