Don't buy expensive chia drinks when you can make your own! This Pomegranate Lime Chia Fresca recipe (also called iskiate) is super simple to make.
If you've never seen chia drinks in stores, you're probably giving me the side-eye right now. (Well, as much as you can give a blogger the side-eye—I can't see it, but I know it's happening!) But really, this is a thing! The first time I saw a bottle of juice with chia seeds in it, I assumed that:
a) It would be disgusting.
b) I would choke on it.
c) It was hippie food.
Maybe the last one is true, but it's not disgusting and I didn't choke on it. When hydrated, the outer layer of chia seeds becomes gelatinous. This gel-like coating means that chia seeds go down easy so no, this isn't like drinking a glass full of poppy seeds. Chia drinks (also called chia fresca or iskiate) kind of have the consistency of softened Jello, a bonus for me, since I don't eat Jello. And in a drink, the seeds don't really impart a flavor because you're not chewing on them, so you taste the flavor of the juice and nothing more. Chia seeds are little nutritional dynamos too—they're high in Omega-3s, antioxidants, and fiber, and unlike other seeds, they don't need to be ground in order to digest their nutrients. (Here's more information about chia seeds, if you're interested: Chia for Health.)
After trying my first chia drink, I quickly became hooked and began buying a bottle or two anytime I went shopping. But unfortunately, the bottled chia drinks are really expensive. After happening upon the bulk bin of chia seeds at Whole Foods and doing the math in my head, I realized that I would save a ton of money if I just made chia drinks myself. So that's what I've been doing ever since.
I used pomegranate and lime juice in this chia fresca recipe, but any kind of juice you want to use is fine. You can also adjust the amount of chia seeds to your liking—I used a little bit less than you find in most bottled drinks. Basically, to make your own chia drink, you simply put a few tablespoons of seeds in a glass, pour juice on top, and wait for the seeds to form a gel. Super easy!

- 3 tbsp chia seeds
- ½ cup water
- ¾ cup pomegranate juice
- 1 tbsp fresh lime juice
- Place chia seeds in a glass.
- Pour water, pomegranate juice, and lime juice over seeds. Let sit for 15 minutes.
- Whisk to break up any clumps of seeds and serve.
Rachel R. says
I have seen chia popping up lately as a new healthy food, but all I can associate it with is Chia pets! Maybe I will be brave and give it a try 🙂
The Type A Housewife says
Ha! I forgot to mention that in my post. The whole Chia Pet thing put me off a little too at first. 🙂 But they don't really have a taste if you drink them, it's more a texture thing. If you don't like the thought of drinking softened Jello, you might not like chia drinks!
Julie says
Ahhh!! I have a packet of these sitting in my kitchen at home and thought they'd be sitting there forever. I got them for a running race I did last year and (I admit) thought they were hippie food! I'm def going to give this smoothie a try! Looks delicious!
The Type A Housewife says
They are so good mixed with juice--you definitely need to try it! I know people bake with them too, but I haven't gotten around to attempting that...
The Mrs @ Success Along the Weigh says
We use chia seeds in smoothies, oatmeal or in baking. I haven't mustered the courage to do something like this yet. I have a serious texture issue and once they gel up, I'm usually out. HA! But who knows, I may just give this a go!
The Type A Housewife says
Aw, but the texture is the best part! 🙂 Yeah, I can definitely see how that might be icky for some people--personally, I love it. I totally need to try baking with them though!
Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says
This is the weirdest thing I've seen in a long time, but I'm gonna trust you on this!
The Type A Housewife says
Ha! I never would have tried it if I didn't review a bottled chia drink for Jen's blog a few months ago, but I am so hooked now.
Kyra says
I have a big bag of chia seeds that I got when I was training for a race. Since I need to start that again, this chia recipe will come in very useful!
The Type A Housewife says
I've heard that a lot of runners use chia seeds! I don't run, but I'll have to start trying to drink chia fresca before workouts.
Kelly @ Texas Type A Mom says
I learn something new from you all the time! These look so refreshing and tasty!
The Type A Housewife says
They are super refreshing and you only taste the juice, not the seeds, so they are definitely tasty too. Even if no one believes me--ha!
Lauren says
I LOVE Chia!!!! I just picked up a bottle of Mamma Chia and it was awesome. I'd love to make my own. I have a big bag of chia seeds that I use in my overnight oatmeal. I'll have to pick up some juice to try this with.
Kiersten says
If you love Mamma Chia, you will love making it yourself. 😀 And it's much cheaper too!
Lauren says
I actually made chia gel the night I found this post and then added it to some home made apple cider. I wanted to make this, but I forgot to pick up pomegranate juice. It's on my list for this week! This looks awesome!
Natalie says
I've been meaning to try using chia seeds in green smoothies to boost up their nutritional value even more, but I hadn't thought of just putting them in juice too - will have to give it a try whenever I remember to buy some chia seeds!
The Type A Housewife says
I haven't put mine in smoothies yet, but I'm going to have to try that one of these days. 🙂
Raquel @ Ovenmitts Vegan Blog says
So I'm totally giving you the side eye... but I might come around. I can always go for a little more healthy nutrition in my life, so I'll have to give this a try!
The Type A Housewife says
I swear, this is one of those rare things that's healthy AND really fun to eat/drink! 🙂
Stephanie @ henry happened says
Ok, this does sound totally weird but in a good way, of course! Like drinking jello? Um, ok, if you say so!
The Type A Housewife says
It's so good, I promise! Have you ever had Jello that sat on the counter for a while and got halfway soft? That's the texture this has. (Maybe that doesn't sell it very well, huh?)
Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking says
We use Chia seeds a lot so I am excited to try this!
The Type A Housewife says
I hope you like it! 🙂
Brianne @ Cupcakes & Kale Chips says
I keep seeing recipes with chia seeds. I have to pick some up. This sounds so good. And you could even make it into a cocktail, if you really wanted to. I bet that would be tasty,
The Type A Housewife says
You know, I saw people pinning this and saying they were going to add alcohol to it--LOL! Chia seeds are hydrating and alcohol is dehydrating, so it balances out, right? 🙂
Brianne @ Cupcakes & Kale Chips says
Haha! Yes, balance. I never said making it into a cocktail would be healthy, but it would be fun, right! 🙂
Anna @ hiddenponies says
So interesting! We always use chia seeds in smoothies and granola bars, and I've even used them as an egg replacer in baking, but I've never seen chia drinks! This looks delicious!
The Type A Housewife says
Oh, I didn't know you could use them as an egg replacer! I'm going to have to try that too.
BusyWorkingMama says
I have chai I mix into smoothies but I can't handle a lot of it. It has a bit of a "slimy" texture for me. I chug it down for health benefits only!
The Type A Housewife says
Ha! The texture is my favorite thing about them. 😀 But I can definitely see how other people would think it's gross!
Anne says
For some reason I thought these were hard to make. I am going to have to try this, I think my kids would love it.
The Type A Housewife says
If your kids won't be squicked out by the way the drinks look, I think they're pretty kid-friendly. They have that Jello-like texture that kids love. 🙂
Anne - Mommy Has to Work says
Sounds interesting...
Jamie @ Thrifty Veggie Mama says
This looks great. Great pics
Virginia from That Bald Chick says
I LURVE chia seeds! Thanks for the easy recipe!
The Type A Housewife says
Me too! I went shopping this weekend and they were completely out of them, so now I'm going through withdrawals.
Shweta says
I guess these seeds are known as sabja in India. These seeds are known to have cooling properties and are widely used in summer. We use it in Falooda, which is kind of a thick shake, with vermicelli (made traditionally from cornstarch), flavourings, milk, ice cream and sabja. Its really popular. You can omit the vermicelli and try it out with rose syrup, or maybe sandalwood or saffron syrup.
The Type A Housewife says
I love rose syrup, but I've never had sandalwood or saffron syrup. I'm going to have to look for those next time I go to the Indian grocery store--I'm curious to try them, particularly sandalwood, which I didn't know was edible!
shweta says
Yes, saffron syrup is very popular, you get it usually as a saffron-cardomon combo. Sandalwood, i also have seen only at high end gourmet stores. or niche restaurants in India. but its usually with water. i know of one recipe appearing on website maybe you can check it out
The Type A Housewife says
I will--thanks for the info! 🙂
Gr8ful says
I will have to try this this. Love my chia seeds on toast, in a salad. Never tried them in a drink!
Kiersten says
Ooh, I've never tried them on toast--I'm going to have to do that!
Suzanne Holt says
Yum! I wish we would've had this recipe for the summer months, but better late than never. It's funny how chia looks so bizarre in drinks, yet tastes so very good! My kids love it in juice so will think this is amazing!
Linda Ruggieri says
Chia seeds are also awesome in almond , soy or coconut milk. Add a touch of cinnamon and serve ice cold. It's super yummy in the dark chocolate almond milk!
Kiersten says
I will have to try that--thank you! 🙂
Julie says
Hey .. so what if it might be a hippie thing.. hippie foods are great! Anyway I was looking for a good chia seed fruit drink recipe and found it here! Can't wait to try it. I actually love those drinks you find at the stores and wanted to make my own. Thank you!!
Kiersten says
I know, I love those drinks too--that's how I discovered the awesomeness of chia seeds. 🙂 I love how gelatinous they are!
Stephanie says
Thank you for sharing this. I got hooked on the pricey chia seed drinks too and wanted to see if anyone was making their own. Chia seeds make awesome pudding as well and are full of Omega 3-6-9.
Barb says
This is a excellent drink! Can't wait to try other exciting flavors!!! Thanks!