This Chewy Chocolate Strawberry Cookies recipe uses dried strawberries, an ingredient found in many health food or bulk stores. So yummy!
The Sample Trick
Does your grocery store put out samples? The ones I go to do and, really, it's pretty ingenious on their part because I always end up buying things I wouldn't have otherwise. I am just that impressionable. And this is how I ended up getting dried strawberries. I tried them and they were so yummy and chewy and strawberry-y that I had to get them. Even though they were $7 and look like rabbit poop.
I usually don't buy a lot of dried fruit because, although it's healthy, it's pretty dense when it comes to calories. A serving size is usually a quarter cup, which is meager. Meager! So what do I do with dried fruit? I bake with it. I really wouldn't have bought these super expensive rabbit-poop looking dried strawberries if I hadn't had the idea to use them in cookies. And not just any cookies—Chewy Chocolate Strawberry Cookies! (Yes, if you read my blog regularly, you might recognize most of this recipe from my Chewy Chocolate Candy Cane Cookies—hush! It's not plagiarism if you're stealing from yourself!)
About the Recipe
With the chocolate chips and strawberries, these are kind of reminiscent of chocolate covered strawberries. If you can't find chewy dried strawberries at your local supermarket, other dried fruits would work well too—I'd try apricots, cherries, or even cranberries.

- 1 cup all-purpose flour
- ⅓ cup unsweetened cocoa
- ½ tsp baking powder
- ¼ tsp baking soda
- ¼ tsp salt
- 1 cup white sugar (organic for vegan-friendly)
- ⅓ cup butter softened
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 large egg
- ¼ cup mini chocolate chips
- ½ cup chewy dried strawberries chopped
- cooking spray
- Preheat oven to 350°F.
- Combine flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a small bowl and whisk until combined and any lumps are broken up. In a large bowl, beat butter and sugar together using a mixer on high speed. Add vanilla and egg and beat until combined. Set mixer to low speed and slowly add flour mixture. Beat until just combined and fold in chocolate chips and strawberries.
- Drop tablespoons of batter two inches apart onto a baking sheet coated with cooking spray. Bake for 12 minutes or until set. (Don't overbake or the cookies won't be chewy!) Cook on baking sheets for 5 minutes, then finish cooling on wire racks.
Orangeheromama says
ok, so i'm gonna fed ex you some fluffy snow, and you'll fed ex me some of these cookies..Deal? 🙂
The Type A Housewife says
Ha! I have a big Tupperware container of them in the freezer with your name on it. 😉
Russell at Chasing Delicious says
I have never seen anything like this! What a scrumptious pairing. Yum!
The Type A Housewife says
Thank you! Chocolate and strawberries always go well together, so I'm surprised we don't see them in cookies more often.
Kelly says
Yum! I always avoid those taste testers 😉 I love dried fruit!
The Type A Housewife says
I seem to always go grocery shopping on an empty stomach, so the free samples often end up tiding me over until lunch!
Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says
The cookies look fantastic, but girl, I can't believe you bought those rabbit poopberries!
The Type A Housewife says
I wouldn't have bought the poopberries if I hadn't been able to try them first! They taste so good. You just have to close your eyes when you eat them. 🙂
Candace says
I would have never guessed that those were dried strawberries!! I don't know if I've ever seen those before. The cookies look fantastic. You just can't beat the chocolate and strawberry flavor combination, can you?
The Type A Housewife says
I don't think I've seen them prior to sampling them--I've only seen the freeze-dried kind, which are more tart than sweet. These are very sweet and very soft, so they're perfect in cookies!
CulinarilyCourtney says
I'm glad you put those dried strawberries in a decadent chocolate cookie because they sure aren't much to look at sitting there on their own haha! I love anything that is strawberry/raspberry/cranberry and chocolate--the acidity and sweetness is an addicting combination. These look delicious!
The Type A Housewife says
Yeah, I think the dried strawberries definitely look like health food, in the worst possible sense of the term. 🙂 They are amazingly delicious though. Like candy!
Snixykitchen says
I LOVVVEEEE dried strawberries. Trader Joes used to carry them when I was younger, but now I can only find them for ridiculous prices at places like Whole Foods.
The Type A Housewife says
I always get so mad at Trader Joe's because I'll get hooked on something they sell and then they cruelly take it away. They had this awesome frozen Asian mushroom mix (I know, frozen mushrooms! but they were good, I swear!) and I still feel embittered that they stopped carrying them a few years back.
Leslie says
I would never have thought to use dried strawberries in a cookie but these look (and sound!) amazing! I'm bookmarking this recipe to try soon.
The Type A Housewife says
Thank you! I hope they turn out well for you--we love them!
Julie says
Don't get me started on the samples.... this weekend, my husband (after his 5th sample of the same thing) asked me what a socially acceptable amount of samples to take was.... He just looses all self control around samples!
I too love dried fruit - and love the idea of putting it in cookies!!
The Type A Housewife says
Ha! My husband is the same way. We'll be at Whole Foods and he'll want to go down aisles where we don't even need anything so he can look for samples. 🙂 I'm not that bad!
Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking says
Oh I agree chocolate and strawberries go great together.
Kelly @ Texas Type A Mom says
The only dried strawberries I've had are the baby food variety and they weren't bad so I'm sure these are infinitely better. What a great recipe for Valentine's Day and a new spin on chocolate covered strawberries!
The Type A Housewife says
Yeah, I was actually thinking about posting this closer to Valentine's Day, but I was too impatient! I'm going to have to keep my eye out for baby food dried strawberries. 🙂
Katie says
those sound and look delicious!
Melissa Au says
These look fabulous.
Dee @ Cocktails with Mom says
These look fantastic!
Pam says
Haha, rabbit poop.
But I love cookies, and these look yummy.
Finally went grocery shopping bought a French Apple Tart from Whole Foods. ( note, I only buy a few items at the money eater.)
It was good, but I like chocolate much better.
The Type A Housewife says
Oh, I love the French Apple Tart they sell! But I'm a huge fan of apples. 🙂 Usually we only buy the things we can't get anywhere else at Whole Foods and do the rest of our shopping elsewhere. Although they do have good sales, especially when you combine them with coupons!
{Not Quite} Susie says
Definitely pinned this- these sound amazing! I've never even SEEN dried Strawberry but I bet if I look I can find it! 🙂
The Type A Housewife says
You might be able to find them in the bulk section of your grocery store. They are definitely tricky to find, but they taste so good!
Val says
I just got some ciron tea that I sampled at the asian market. I'm the same way with sample stuff (one of the many, many reasons I love Trader Joe's... samples!) and I like that you can try something new without it being such a shot in the dark.
I have to look for dried strawberries now, because I so want to make these.
The Type A Housewife says
Your Trader Joe's has samples?! Ours usually only has one and it always seems to be some frozen food with meat in it. Boo. 🙁
Kelsey says
how do you think this would work with frozen strawberries (defrosted, obviously) if i don't have dried? Thanks!
Kiersten says
I haven't tried it myself so I can't say for sure. Frozen strawberries do tend to be very wet, so I think I'd thaw them out in a strainer in order to drain off as much moisture as possible before adding them to the cookie dough. If you try it, let me know how it turns out!
Cheryl says
Can I use freeze dried strawberries in place of dried strawberries?
Kiersten Frase says
I'm not sure if that would work - they might get mushy in the batter.
Steph says
I don't know what kind of rabbits you've dealt with, but they must have been nearly human-sized to have such enormous droppings!!! D:
Although I will concede that they are really not particularly appetizing... I've only ever seen freeze-dried strawberries before. The cookies sound great, but I'd have to find an eggless version to try it since I'm allergic. Have you tried making these with any type of egg substitute?