If you have a question that's not answered below, feel free to get in touch. I'm always happy to help!
I just stopped eating meat and I already want to throw in the towel. Do you have any advice?
Eat good food! Eat real food! Many new vegetarians focus on eating substitutes--fake chicken wings, imitation hot dogs, etc. And while these foods work for a lot of people, for others, they just don't measure up to the real thing and then you say to yourself, "Well, I'm just going to eat the real thing! This is gross!" So instead of using icky faux foods, concentrate on eating things you do like--foods that aren't trying to be something they're not. Things like quinoa, lentils, and beans. Use vegetables, sauces, and seasonings you love. Experiment by making 2 or 3 new recipes each week. You can do this!
Can you tell me how many calories are in your recipes?
We don't include calorie counts in our posts. Nutritional info can vary based on the brands of ingredients you use, modifications you make to the recipe, and weights of fruits and vegetables used, so we just don't feel comfortable doing it. We recommend inputting ingredients into this website: About.com Calorie Count.
Can I publish your recipes and photos on my website? I'll link to you and then you'll get traffic!
If you have a food blog and you want to share one of our recipes with your readers, you are more than welcome to do that--if you adapt the recipe, that's best, but if not, please at least write it in your own words and link to the original. We ask that our photos and recipes not be republished on other websites.
Can I use a photo from one of your posts and link to the full recipe?
Of course! Just a link or a link and one photo is absolutely fine. (If you plan on publishing more than one photo from Oh My Veggies, please contact us first.)
I don't like corn. Can I use black beans instead?
I don't buy almond milk. Can I use regular milk?
I'm allergic to nuts. What can I substitute?
You can do whatever you like! But know that if you're switching out ingredients, the outcome of the recipe might be different. And most of the time, we can't tell you whether substitutions will work because we haven't tested them ourselves.
Why didn't you publish my comment?
If you're a first-time commenter, your comment will go into moderation. Sometimes it will go into moderation for other reasons too, like if you're leaving a link or if you're commenting with a different email address than you usually use on our site. We do approvals at least every other day, so it should show up within 48 hours, but usually much sooner.
Do you accept guest posts?
Sorry, we don't accept guest posts on Oh My Veggies.
Will you post about my Kickstarter campaign?